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hi evru one here joussef administrateur of thsi blog it's for my love martina from italy i wish you happy day's

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Creation: 27/08/2009 15:45
Update: 27/08/2009 20:24
Articles 59
Polls 1
Comments 2
Visits of the week 13552
Total visits 1517

martina :: martina

serjiosurfing has no other blog!

France - serjiosurfing
Position: 236/56779 members

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Poll: hi martinaz how are you - 27/08/2009 20:24

hi i wish you ok
do you like this

I am


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: so if you - 27/08/2009 20:00

 i finished
so now martina what you can say about all this?
do you think you so important in my live or not?
so if you like this
i will wait your coll

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: For A Special Person - 27/08/2009 19:56

I see you standing firm in a world
That is changing fast
To me you are the link between
My future and my past

The years will come and go
And I know things will change
But the memories I have of you
In my heart will always remain

I Love you,

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Love Always, - 27/08/2009 19:54

You take the time to listen
To what I have to say
Which means so very much
In this world of dismay

And even though some lines
Have come across your face
To me they’ve added character
In each and every place