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hi evru one here joussef administrateur of thsi blog it's for my love martina from italy i wish you happy day's

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Creation: 27/08/2009 15:45
Update: 27/08/2009 20:24
Articles 59
Polls 1
Comments 2
Visits of the week 13153
Total visits 1517

martina :: martina

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France - serjiosurfing
Position: 239/56779 members

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Sweetheart - 27/08/2009 16:50


A lighthouse is a bright light
That shows the way
You have been my light
No one can out shine you

Now and forever,
(Your Name)

Purchase Poem: 62 - Love Now

Love and Years

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: last nigth - 27/08/2009 16:49

Last Night
I Watched You Sleeping
I Wondered
How Can This Be?
God Gave An Angel
As A Gift To Me

Forever Yours,

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: You are - 27/08/2009 16:47

Who gave up her wings
To love a mere mortal
Instead of greater things
You are a sweet treasure
That I like to be near
Your love is my pleasure
None other do I hold dear
You are a whispering breeze
Blowing gently on my mind
For you my precious love
My heart is yours to bind

Loving you always,

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Last night I watched you sleeping - 27/08/2009 16:43

Last night I watched you sleeping
I wondered how can this be?
God sent an angel
To fall in love with me
Past wrought and troubled emotions
You got into my heart to heal
Now, before God and man
I humbly kneel
I promise to cherish you
‘Til my life is through
Even then my love won’t end
To you through eternity
My love I will send

Forever belonging to you,